Why I Quit After I Was Given a Promotion & Raise
By Brian Daniel, Recruiter and Career Coach
Back when I used to write on LinkedIn Pulse, I wrote an article that got featured: "How I Became My Company's Most Valued Employee," which detailed how I became famous at a worldwide company and was given a promotion and raise. To put it mildly, I deeply regretted taking the promotion and quit that job despite winning every award the company had to offer. Here's why my job went sour (Spoiler -- The company is bankrupt now):
Being number one in a company had pros and cons, but anytime someone works 12 hours a day, six days a week, you will burn out -- I did big time. It got to the point that I dreaded going to work, and that's no way to live. I was dedicating my life to assisting others but wasn't caring for myself.
Work-life Balance
Because I spent so much time at work, I had no time for fun. I couldn't spend time with friends or family or enjoy the little things anymore.
The Pay “Raise” Was Only on Paper
On paper, companies are great at showing you how to reap significant financial rewards with a lucrative salary. Still, in actuality, it rarely comes true. As a general manager, I got paid for the performance of the retail branch. The problem was that the formulas were so complex that they were hard to understand. Additionally, I was penalized for things I couldn't even control.
Manager at That Company Meant “Babysitter” for Adults

Being a general manager meant being a babysitter for adults. As a GM, most of my day was filled with dealing with customer complaints and putting out fires. We had about 50 full-time employees and another 50 part-time employees, so when I became the manager, I got sucked into their worlds because I had to deal with their schedules (and excuses about why they were late or not show up for work).
Also, because a fitness center deals with the general public, it was like an insane asylum (my gym was in the Los Angeles-Beverly Hills area, so lots of entitled people who were very aggressive and entitled). Of course, there were also plenty of friendly folks who were good-hearted. Still, when you put hundreds of people together in one place (while hot and sweaty), tempers start flaring up when people fight over occupied gym equipment. Barely a week went by without some significant incident like a fistfight, for example.
Also, because a fitness center deals with the general public, it was like an insane asylum (my gym was in the Los Angeles-Beverly Hills area, so lots of entitled people who were very aggressive and entitled). Of course, there were also plenty of friendly folks who were good-hearted. Still, when you put hundreds of people together in one place (while hot and sweaty), tempers start flaring up when people fight over occupied gym equipment. Barely a week went by without some significant incident like a fistfight, for example.
I Went from Hero to Villain
When I was just a "producer," I only needed to worry about my own performance. Still, when I became the General Manager, I had to make decisions that people didn't like. In short, I went from being the most-liked person to being the anti-hero who "ruined" people's weekends because I told them they had to work.
I Was Punished for Being Successful
The first few months went great because my location hit all the sales goals the corporate office set for us (so I saw a nice bonus). But that was very short-lived because HQ jacked my goals so high that they were impossible to reach. I was punished for being good. I hit the goals they gave me at first, which were fair. But I needed to make them more money for the company (in their greedy minds).
I Became a Target for Revenge
The health club I worked for had thousands of members, and we know how the old saying goes: You can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. Some members, for example, were abusing privileges or taking advantage of loopholes in specific policies, so I had to make some changes. To put it mildly, some people became incensed. How dare I alter their lives in any little way? Just some of the reprisals included:
Actually, I could go on, but you get the point.
- Vandalism of my car
- Intentional clogging of toilets (with entire rolls of toilet paper)
- Graffiti in the locker room
- Vandalism of upholstered seats on the equipment
- Threatening phone calls at home and work
- False 911 calls and bomb scares
Actually, I could go on, but you get the point.
Many of the People at Headquarters Were Truly Evil
After being promoted, I had to interact with executives above me regularly. Let's say it was anything but pleasant. Behind the scenes, things were very ugly at that company because everyone operated in fear. As a result, many very talented people left the company.
The Company Stole My Ideas and Never Acknowledged Me
During my tenure, I created several new systems and improved existing ones. Still, I was never credited nor acknowledged in any way. Some people above me took credit for my accomplishments, which got under my skin.
Executives Played Favorites
Several general managers in my district got preferential treatment because they were close friends with people higher up, which meant lower par (goals) for my competitors, enabling them to hit their goals and reap big bonuses. This lowered morale in the company a lot.
I Was Sucked-in to the Company’s Legal Problems
Fitness centers, if you don't already know, get sued frequently. There are several reasons, but most involve members hurting themselves. If you've ever been a member of a gym, then you have seen the ridiculously long contract you have to sign.
In short, in theory, all of that fine print is supposed to absolve the fitness center of any wrongdoing. So if you stub your pinky toe or crack your head open, it's all covered under "assumed risk." Well, that doesn't stop people from hiring lawyers, which means General Managers are often subject to getting served court papers and participating in depositions and court hearings that go to trial.
In short, in theory, all of that fine print is supposed to absolve the fitness center of any wrongdoing. So if you stub your pinky toe or crack your head open, it's all covered under "assumed risk." Well, that doesn't stop people from hiring lawyers, which means General Managers are often subject to getting served court papers and participating in depositions and court hearings that go to trial.
The Company Depended on Me Too Much
Anytime I wanted to take a day off or, God forbid, use any of my vacation days, I was met with opposition in every way. The short version: There was NEVER a good time to take off because the executives always had some reason for saying it wasn't a good time to approve my request: "Don't let the team down," they'd say. "We need you more than ever, so ask me again next month." The ONLY thing they cared about was my making money for them.
The takeaway: Think deeply about what a promotion will mean for you in the future. If it's not suitable for the company you are at now, then think about moving up to another company instead.
The takeaway: Think deeply about what a promotion will mean for you in the future. If it's not suitable for the company you are at now, then think about moving up to another company instead.
FILED UNDER: Career advice, promotions, performance at work, work-life balance