About Tutors International
Tutors International specializes in private tutoring for ultra-high net worth families worldwide. The company can cover all educational circumstances anywhere in the world. This includes home education of all ages and in all subjects, college entrance exam preparation, and bespoke learning plans.
What Makes Us Different
Tutors International performs a personalized tutor search, globally, based on the individual client’s needs. This is unique in our industry as most tutoring companies just pick whoever they might have available from a small pool of people they know.
Our customized service and attention to every possible detail is the secret to our success in matching the private home tutor to the right family. Perfection is our goal.
Additionally, our superb service doesn’t end after the placement is made. Every Client has a dedicated account manager for the entire period of the contract.
Tutors International stands alone with its level of unparalleled service. When it comes to your child’s education journey, there are no safer hands.
To learn more, visit www.tutors-international.com.
Our customized service and attention to every possible detail is the secret to our success in matching the private home tutor to the right family. Perfection is our goal.
Additionally, our superb service doesn’t end after the placement is made. Every Client has a dedicated account manager for the entire period of the contract.
Tutors International stands alone with its level of unparalleled service. When it comes to your child’s education journey, there are no safer hands.
To learn more, visit www.tutors-international.com.