How to Make a Personal Assistant Resume in 2025
So perhaps you were conducting a job search just read a personal assistant job description and you want to work for an executive, high-net-worth family, or even a local celebrity. Do you have the experience to write the perfect assistant resume? Well, you've come to the right place. We are professional resume writers with expertise in the assistant field. We know this industry better than anyone, so let's get started. Just follow these writing tips and quit using those boring resume templates that you downloaded off the internet for free.
Personal Assistant Resume Examples

This tutorial is the ultimate resource for all things related to a personal assistant resume. We have provided samples and examples for you to follow.
Each section of the article refers to items like years of experience, writing tips, a skills section, career highlights, and so much more.
Each section of the article refers to items like years of experience, writing tips, a skills section, career highlights, and so much more.
How Do I Build My Personal Assistant Resume Sample?
NOTE TO CANDIDATE: One piece of advice is to be sure to read the entire personal assistant resume guide BEFORE working on your resume. For easier reading experience, we recommend viewing this on a full-size desktop computer. If you don't understand any specific section, please contact customer service.
It may be hard to believe, but professional resume writers can charge as much as $2,500 for coaching and resume writing. While no personal assistant resume template can substitute for career coaching, we have attempted to make getting started as easy as possible with this assistant resume guide.
It may be hard to believe, but professional resume writers can charge as much as $2,500 for coaching and resume writing. While no personal assistant resume template can substitute for career coaching, we have attempted to make getting started as easy as possible with this assistant resume guide.
Resume Samples to Make You Look Highly Organized
It is advised that you turn your Microsoft Word doc resume into a PDF before sending it to an employer or job application portal. This will prevent any resume formatting issues if the document is opened in another version of Word or a different operating system. To do this, let's do some problem solving to make your personal assistant resume shine:
A: Go to the upper left-hand corner of the Word document and click the FILE button
B: Hit the SAVE AS feature
C: Go to the drop-down menu and select PDF (new versions of Word have PDF built in)
NOTE: Older versions of Microsoft Word end in (.doc) extensions. You should be using (.docx).
Follow these steps and you will have the perfect resume. After all, if you want to be a personal assistant, then you need to show potential employers that you can be organized, and that starts with a good assistant resume -- experience counts!
Follow these steps and you will have the perfect resume. After all, if you want to be a personal assistant, then you need to show potential employers that you can be organized, and that starts with a good assistant resume -- experience counts!
The Top Third of the Resume
The top of the resume sample template has a box, in this case labeled “Executive Assistant,” which of course is a similar role to that of a personal assistant. This “headline” is a good place to highlight your job title and some important skills you have. You should be getting the same KEY WORDS from the job description and putting them in your resume. This gets employer’s attention right away. Save a separate copy so you have the original formatting of this resume template in a safe place. See the photos we have provided as a resume example.
Special notes about contact information and e-mail
If you have a phone number with an area code outside of the area in which you are applying, it can make employers nervous because a personal assistant needs to be familiar with the city in which they work. If you are new to the area, then call your mobile phone company and have them change your number. It should be free of charge to do so. If you have no experience doing this, don't worry because it's very easy.
Your email address should ALWAYS be your name, so keep it professional. NEVER have anything unprofessional like “personal _ skills _master@*****” because it looks silly.
This seems obvious, but many people utilize these types of email addresses all the time! Never use email from your current job, and don’t apply during business hours because if you are currently employed, they will assume you are using company time to seek your next job. That makes you look bad! Use your own personal time to apply to jobs.
Your email address should ALWAYS be your name, so keep it professional. NEVER have anything unprofessional like “personal _ skills _master@*****” because it looks silly.
This seems obvious, but many people utilize these types of email addresses all the time! Never use email from your current job, and don’t apply during business hours because if you are currently employed, they will assume you are using company time to seek your next job. That makes you look bad! Use your own personal time to apply to jobs.
How to use a Qualification Summary & Get Rid of the Resume Objective
The top also lists a “Qualification Summary.” This has pretty much replaced the “Resume Objective” statement. Resume Objective Statements are out-of-date because they are pretty much from the 1980s. The Objective Statement does not help you because not only is it general, but you may list something the employer isn’t looking for – so you’re out of the running. If your resume currently has a resume objective, then it reduces your chances of getting an interview for the personal assistant job.
The resume top is “prime real estate,” so it’s better to put highlights of what you can do because that way the potential employer doesn’t have to read your entire resume to find out if you have the experience that they want. It is statistically and scientifically proven that a recruiter or HR manager only looks at a resume for 10 seconds and decides if they are going to keep reading or throw it in the trash. Do you want them to keep reading or not?
The resume top is “prime real estate,” so it’s better to put highlights of what you can do because that way the potential employer doesn’t have to read your entire resume to find out if you have the experience that they want. It is statistically and scientifically proven that a recruiter or HR manager only looks at a resume for 10 seconds and decides if they are going to keep reading or throw it in the trash. Do you want them to keep reading or not?
American Resumes vs. United Kingdom CVs
Be advised: This MS Word personal assistant resume example was made in an American version. If you are from outside of the United States, your MS Word version has settings that may highlight certain words as misspelled because some American words are different. If you live outside of the USA, it is advised that you SAVE a new Word doc in the version you normally utilize.
Personal Assistant Resume Borders
Just be sure to match the page borders/margins so that your resume formatting isn’t altered. In this example, the margins are .5 (half inch) all around. If for some reason you are facing challenges getting your Word doc to behave properly with commands, go to and search for a video tutorial on how to make corrections in Word for your desired subject.
Sometimes you may have important options/features turned-off without even knowing it. Some of the advanced features of Microsoft Word are not as well-known to personal assistants with less experience.
Sometimes you may have important options/features turned-off without even knowing it. Some of the advanced features of Microsoft Word are not as well-known to personal assistants with less experience.
Resume Fonts to Use with Examples
This resume sample above was made with a Georgia font. Using everyday fonts like Times or Arial can sometimes be boring to recruiters because that’s what everyone else uses, so employ something unique. Also, that’s why the navy-blue color was added to the resume. It makes it special; most resumes have no color, so this will help you stand out. Remember that your personal assistant resume needs to be special, so don't look like just anyone from a generic office -- find a way to be different.
Don’t use any crazy fonts or colored text boxes. You may think you are being “creative,” but you may make yourself look unprofessional. Additionally, text boxes can keep ATS software from doing its job to scan your resume. Be sure to REREAD your resume many times for mistakes. Even have a friend proof it to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Time to get back to basics!
Don’t use any crazy fonts or colored text boxes. You may think you are being “creative,” but you may make yourself look unprofessional. Additionally, text boxes can keep ATS software from doing its job to scan your resume. Be sure to REREAD your resume many times for mistakes. Even have a friend proof it to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Time to get back to basics!
Using Digital vs. Paper Resumes

Although most resumes will be submitted electronically as a PDF, you should know that a paper personal assistant resume is still sometimes used. NEVER use a wild idea because you think it’s cute and will get you “noticed.” So don’t pull an Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) from Legally Blonde and use pink paper sprayed with perfume. If you do that, it shows you don't have much experience in the professional world.
Use a heavyweight cotton or linen paper that is white ONLY. Don’t use grey, marbled or other types of resume paper; that’s gimmicky and so 1980s! Think like a pro (NOTE: Never put personal info or a photo on your resume. As well, don’t put hobbies unless they are DIRECTLY related to the job).
NOTE: The United Kingdom and other places outside of the United States often use a CV, which stands for curriculum vitae. A CV often has a lot more information, both personal and professional, than an American resume does. Be sure to submit the correct format based on where you live! And, most important, follow the instructions exactly on the job ad.
Use a heavyweight cotton or linen paper that is white ONLY. Don’t use grey, marbled or other types of resume paper; that’s gimmicky and so 1980s! Think like a pro (NOTE: Never put personal info or a photo on your resume. As well, don’t put hobbies unless they are DIRECTLY related to the job).
NOTE: The United Kingdom and other places outside of the United States often use a CV, which stands for curriculum vitae. A CV often has a lot more information, both personal and professional, than an American resume does. Be sure to submit the correct format based on where you live! And, most important, follow the instructions exactly on the job ad.
How Potential Employers Spy on You

A personal assistant needs to be away of their personal brand. With the job market as bad as it is for candidates, one must be diligent to manage one’s “digital presence” on the web. It is statistically and scientifically proven that almost all potential employers are going to Google your name and check social networking profiles at some point during the selection process. They usually do this BEFORE they call you in. Personal assistants without much experience don't know these tricks of the trade that recruiters use, so be warned.
Here Are Some Application Rules to Be Aware of When Searching
- ALWAYS set your social media profiles to “private” on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Don’t “accept” any new people who “friend” you during your job seeking process because it may be a fake profile being used by a recruiter to spy on you. This is standard operating procedure for some recruiters (whether it is ethical or legal is another matter altogether). Don't take it personal, it's just business so keep it professional.
- Setting all your profiles to private is still not enough! Remove any photos on your social networking websites that may be incriminating. If you have a photo of yourself (or your friends for that matter) standing on a table in Las Vegas doing a beer-bong-shot, it’s not going to look good for you. Remember that personal assistants represent their employers, so they do care what you do on your personal time.
- You should also avoid expressing any personal or political views that are considered controversial, too. A personal assistant needs to remain politically neutral.
- Make sure no friends of yours have posted anything on their Facebook page that could harm you. Be a disciplined assistant and remember that discretion is the key to success. An employer doesn't want to hire a personal assistant who is "loud."
- Google your name and thoroughly scour the search results to make sure nothing that could harm your reputation is there, and don’t let your guard down after you’re hired. Be vigilant because many employers continue to monitor their employees for 90 days during the probationary period. It may even say in the job description that you are not even allowed to use social media while at work.
- Employ a completely separate e-mail for applying to jobs. HR managers, headhunters and recruiters will type your email into Google and other social media sites to locate information about you. It’s very possible you could have posted a comment, blog, or other incriminating bit on the web that will come back to haunt you later.
- Your email should ONLY be your name. Sample: [email protected]. It’s advised that you NOT utilize your college email (.edu) because recruiters may look at you as an inexperienced student as opposed to a seasoned professional.
A Resume Builder Won't Help You with a Cover Letter

Regardless of what you have read, a cover letter is absolutely necessary. In the cover letter, you don't need to repeat your work history because that's what the personal assistant resume is for. The employer already has that information. Job seekers need to add supplemental information into the cover letter that already isn't listed in the resume skills section. Although a cover letter is required, that doesn't mean that it should be long. Keep it short and sweet. Here are some rules to make your professional experience stand out:
- Cover letters should be between 300 and 350 words
- Writing a power cover letter shows you have good communication skills
- Don't say how much you want to make per year because that can be covered in your personal assistant job interview
- Highlight any special skills you have, like business administration, event planning or project management
- Any other compelling career highlights to show that you are a qualified professional
Work History: Each Resume Section

Your personal assistant resume should be clean and easy to read. Each section should contain specific information. Some of these sections include the summary, professional experience, education, and special skills. Remember to put points; don't write paragraphs. Under education, there is no need to put high school diploma. If you don't have any higher education, then just leave it out.
The most important issue is that the personal assistant resume needs to show that you have firsthand knowledge of the skills to accomplish the tasks. Be sure to include other related information that will help the executives know that you are an expert in your personal assistant field.
The most important issue is that the personal assistant resume needs to show that you have firsthand knowledge of the skills to accomplish the tasks. Be sure to include other related information that will help the executives know that you are an expert in your personal assistant field.
How to Use Bullet Points on a Personal Assistant Resume

Remember that you need to write a resume for a personal assistant job to demonstrate that you are the right one for the job. So, each resume should be customized for each position that you apply to. All recruiters and HR managers agree that it will dramatically increase your chances of getting an interview. Keep everything on the resume relevant, and project confidence.
Some keywords that should be on the resume include time management, travel arrangements, years of experience, write, website manager, communication, organizational management, writing correspondence, data entry, conducting meetings, and any other skills that are relevant.
Some keywords that should be on the resume include time management, travel arrangements, years of experience, write, website manager, communication, organizational management, writing correspondence, data entry, conducting meetings, and any other skills that are relevant.
Cities to Send Your Assistant Resume
Of course the largest cities in the United States have more personal assistant jobs, so there are more career opportunities in cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, Washington DC and Miami.
Now, having said that, it also means in the biggest cities like New York that you will have a lot more competition, so be sure to include the right information on your personal assistant resume so the VIP can see that you have highlighted your skills. Don't ask the employer to take the time to scour your resume. Help them by putting important skills at the top of your resume.
Do You Need a Personal Assistant Resume Builder?
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