How to determine a salary in 2025
In the domestic staffing industry, finding a salary range for household employees is difficult because all households are different. There are several considerations that high-net-worth families need to understand before engaging in salary negotiations.
The team members at The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network have created this guide to help families determine salaries, so your household can offer competitive employee wages.
The team members at The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network have created this guide to help families determine salaries, so your household can offer competitive employee wages.
Salary Ranges in Private Service Follow Different Rules

When representatives in family offices contact our recruitment firm and want to hire household staff, they often quote market trends. Still, they're not comparing apples to apples.
An executive assistant working in a corporate office is in a completely different world than one working in a private household. In short, online salary data isn't a guide to understanding how to pay private service staff in an estate.
There are so many salary considerations that comparing other professionals in the same city isn't recommended.
An executive assistant working in a corporate office is in a completely different world than one working in a private household. In short, online salary data isn't a guide to understanding how to pay private service staff in an estate.
There are so many salary considerations that comparing other professionals in the same city isn't recommended.
How Can I Calculate a Salary Range for Household Employees in 2025?
Part of the problem with understanding salary ranges in private households is that the employers aren't trained in human resources. Celebrities and high-net-worth families often go online to research a competitive salary for similar positions. Still, that data isn't accurate because it usually comes from other industries. Here are just some considerations for understanding how to determine a salary:
Job perks are a significant factor to consider as well. That adds great monetary value to jobs with celebrities. For example, suppose a personal assistant travels on private jets worldwide with their boss. In that case, the salary exceptions may differ, and traditional salary tools can't compensate for that.
- Are you offering health insurance?
- What other benefits can a job seeker consider?
- Have you considered geographic location?
- Are you offering overtime pay?
- Is there a base salary with bonus potential?
- How desirable are you as a potential employer?
- How much is your peace of mind worth?
Job perks are a significant factor to consider as well. That adds great monetary value to jobs with celebrities. For example, suppose a personal assistant travels on private jets worldwide with their boss. In that case, the salary exceptions may differ, and traditional salary tools can't compensate for that.
The guide to setting a salary
Understanding salary specifics in 2025
What is the average salary for a personal assistant to a billionaire?

Since we are the world's premier staffing agency for billionaires, let's talk about personal assistants. When thinking about a compensation package for a PA, the level of experience and education does play a role, but an ideal salary range is elusive because no two jobs are alike.
A traditional salary tool is almost useless in these cases because once a personal assistant has the experience, education, and background, they are like a top-notch MVP on a sports team; they are in demand, and ultra-high net worth employers have bidding wars over such candidates.
A traditional salary tool is almost useless in these cases because once a personal assistant has the experience, education, and background, they are like a top-notch MVP on a sports team; they are in demand, and ultra-high net worth employers have bidding wars over such candidates.
The Job Title Does Play a Role in Determining Fair Compensation
No reliable salary calculator exists for a chief of staff. Because of that, some high-net-worth employers want to use a candidate's current salary as a starting point. That won't work.
If a hiring manager used that methodology, then an estate manager in Grand Rapids who is being promoted to chief of staff in San Francisco would get a low salary offer; therefore, there is a significant wage gap that needs to be addressed.
If a hiring manager used that methodology, then an estate manager in Grand Rapids who is being promoted to chief of staff in San Francisco would get a low salary offer; therefore, there is a significant wage gap that needs to be addressed.
Salary Expectations Are High in Domestic Staffing

The average salary for an executive assistant in corporate America is about $67,000. Still, an EA in the same job working for a billionaire earns double that. Further, an executive assistant working for an UHNW individual usually has stock options, a company car, and luxury accommodations as part of the company's offerings. This is why market data in private service isn't effective.
Jobs working for the super-rich need a different degree of consideration because so many other factors must be considered. Because there is such a shortage of top talent in private service, some open positions go unfilled for many months unless employers offer a maximum salary.
Jobs working for the super-rich need a different degree of consideration because so many other factors must be considered. Because there is such a shortage of top talent in private service, some open positions go unfilled for many months unless employers offer a maximum salary.
Final Thoughts on Pay Ranges That Attract Top Talent
If celebrities, professional athletes, and billionaires want to attract the best talent, then be advised that the best employees expect aggressive job offers:
Lastly, our recruiters suggest that a candidate be given a salary increase each year because once the best talent gains relevant experience, they will be a flight risk to leave for a different company if they are not adequately motivated. In short, money talks.
If you need help crafting a job offer, then contact us for advice on salary requirements. If you think you're offering the highest salary, then we will look at your final number and give our position on the matter.
- Make sure your annual salary accounts for take-home pay
- Lower salary ranges don't attract experienced candidates
- The high cost of living should justify high pay rates
- Offer candidates benefit options (e.g., 401K, gym membership, company car, etc.)
- Average salaries in top-tier cities need very attractive pay ranges
Lastly, our recruiters suggest that a candidate be given a salary increase each year because once the best talent gains relevant experience, they will be a flight risk to leave for a different company if they are not adequately motivated. In short, money talks.
If you need help crafting a job offer, then contact us for advice on salary requirements. If you think you're offering the highest salary, then we will look at your final number and give our position on the matter.
Filed Under: salary range, job title, free salary report based on averages, salaries and job titles on any given position, how to determine a salary in 2025