PART OF THE WEEKEND UPDATE SERIES: Not scoring the job you really wanted is disappointing, but you should not ask for feedback for these reasons... Celebrity headhunter Brian Daniel shares insights. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hey team, Brian here. Listen, I was checking some messages. And I want to talk to you about getting feedback. People are always.. "feedback" I want feedback. What happened? Why didn't they hire me? So, I'm going to give you my opinion. It's only my opinion. Other headhunters may feel differently about it. Let me tell you why I personally think that feedback is a very, very bad idea. You're not going to get the truth. Feedback is a very bad idea because you're not going to get the truth. So, maybe you're too tall. Maybe you're too short. Maybe you're too young. Maybe you're too old, in their mind. They're never going to tell me that: "Oh, she's too young and cute and my wife is intimidated by her." [Supposing this was a job in an estate and you would be part of the domestic staff]. So, there's really no point in asking for feedback because it's not going to help you [get another job as a personal assistant]. If you did every single thing that you possibly could... If you went into the job interview prepared and you're qualified and you gave a great interview, and they didn't want you... You have to move on. There's no other way around it. Recruiting is exactly like being a casting director in Hollywood, OK. They have an idea of what they want. They're going to call in 20 people. Why did this actor or that actor get it? We can't put our thumb on it. There was something that happened in the room. It's called "lightning in a bottle" and the same thing, the same exact thing is true... when you're making placements for jobs. It's best to move on. You should have a target list. Move on to the next gig and don't even bother asking the recruiter for feedback because it's not going to help you. They're not going to tell me the real reason, and if they did, I might not tell you the right reason. That's just the way it works. It's part of the game. Comments are closed.
Domestic Staffing BlogWritten for private service professionals who work for celebrities, CEOs, UHNW families, billionaires, and royalty. |