The Khloe Kardashian personal assistant lawsuit
Khloe Kardashian's personal assistant is suing the reality star because the job didn't end well. The claim is over unlawful termination. While it's true that celebrity assistant jobs have a lot of perks and are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, sometimes it's not the case.
When executive assistants work in a corporate office, everything is very structured. There are employment contracts in place, and human resource professionals monitor the workplace. Conversely, when personal assistants work for celebrities, it's a sort of "all-bets-are-off" situation. Because celebrity employers usually aren't family with employment laws, problems can arise.
When executive assistants work in a corporate office, everything is very structured. There are employment contracts in place, and human resource professionals monitor the workplace. Conversely, when personal assistants work for celebrities, it's a sort of "all-bets-are-off" situation. Because celebrity employers usually aren't family with employment laws, problems can arise.
VIDEO: Kardashian personal assistant news
What is a day like when someone is an assistant to the Kardashians?
Celebrity assistant jobs, generally, are very fast-pasted environments. The day's to-do list is usually long, and PAs have to move at a break-neck pace to get everything done. When working for someone like Khloe Kardashian, the heat will be turned way up.
The schedules for the Kardashians are very demanding. The personal assistant must manage the schedule and get the celebrity from appointment to appointment: fittings, personal appearances, meetings with agents or managers, etc.
The schedules for the Kardashians are very demanding. The personal assistant must manage the schedule and get the celebrity from appointment to appointment: fittings, personal appearances, meetings with agents or managers, etc.