Personal assistant jobs to royal families

Working for a royal family has its pros and cons. Throughout many European, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries, they still have royal families. Your experience must be deep to get a job of that caliber, and it may not pay quite as well as you may think (at first). But after a person proves themselves, then moving up and getting a higher salary is assured.
Our founder, Brian Daniel, is a former Personal Assistant and Chief of Staff to the Saudi Royal Family. Here are some other opportunities to look into: Check out the list of jobs to royal family members for more info.
Here is the official website of the United Kingdom's royal family. We were even able to find an old job posting for a royal PA job, so these positions do open from time to time.
While there are job sites out there that list personal assistant jobs to royal families, if they are a third-party site, then you should approach such listings with a great deal of caution. Generally speaking, most job ads worldwide are not real because they are just used as advertising tools to ultimately collect emails.
Our founder, Brian Daniel, is a former Personal Assistant and Chief of Staff to the Saudi Royal Family. Here are some other opportunities to look into: Check out the list of jobs to royal family members for more info.
Here is the official website of the United Kingdom's royal family. We were even able to find an old job posting for a royal PA job, so these positions do open from time to time.
While there are job sites out there that list personal assistant jobs to royal families, if they are a third-party site, then you should approach such listings with a great deal of caution. Generally speaking, most job ads worldwide are not real because they are just used as advertising tools to ultimately collect emails.