Oprah Winfrey's personal assistant
Few celebrities or billionaires on this planet have as much respect and prestige as Oprah Winfrey. She's one of the busiest TV personalities on Earth. Well, as you might expect, behind every great leader is a small army of personal assistants.
As you might expect, Oprah has had many assistants over the years; but the highest profile one would have to be Libby Moore, who worked as the Chief of Staff for more than 10 years. Libby has since retired from assisting at Harpo Productions and is now a consultant.
As you might expect, Oprah has had many assistants over the years; but the highest profile one would have to be Libby Moore, who worked as the Chief of Staff for more than 10 years. Libby has since retired from assisting at Harpo Productions and is now a consultant.
Who is Oprah's current personal assistant?
According to LinkedIn, Oprah's current assistant is Joan Kim, who has been working at Harpo for more than 15 years. Other than that, the profile doesn't list too much information because the position of assisting Oprah is shrouded in secrecy.
How much do Oprah Winfrey's personal assistants make?
It depends on the duties and responsibilities. A Chief of Staff, for example, will make substantially more than an entry-level assistant. Having said that, Glassdoor.com says that assistants at OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network make almost $50,000 a year.
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