Fancy Hands: Reviews, Pricing & Company Profile
Fancy Hands virtual assistant
Fancy Hands is located online at They are a virtual assistant platform that performs tasks as assigned.
VIDEO: Here is a recent review of Fancy Hands
How much does a Fancy Hands assistant get paid?
According to the Fancy Hands website, tasks range from $5 to $6 per request, and reviews say that the assistant gets half of that fee.
What is it like to work at Fancy Hands?
According to Indeed, Fancy Hands has a rating of 3.1 out of 5 stars.
Fancy Hands work from home ratings
The above rating is a 1.0 out of 5 stars because this employee says they are underpaid and micromanaged. A total of eight people found this review helpful.
Fancy Hands competitors
The following companies compete with Fancy Hands:
- Task Rabbit (
- Ask Sunday (
Fancy Hands location
The customers of Fancy Hands give the company a rating of 2.1 out of 5 stars on Google.
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