"Born Rich" documentary
"Born Rich" is a documentary by Jamie Johnson from the legacy Johnson & Johnson family. It is an inside look at what it is like to grow up the son or daughter of a billionaire.
Who is featured in the "Born Rich" documentary?
In no particular order of importance, here are the featured players in this documentary:
There are some other important appearances as well. For example, the money manager for the Johnson & Johnson family office make an appearance as well.
- Benjamin Luke Weil: Son and heir of a legacy family.
- Carlo von Zeitschel: Son of European royalty.
- Juliet Hartford: Daughter of socialites and legacy multibillion-dollar family.
- Jamie Johnson: An heir to the Johnson & Johnson empire.
- S.I. Newhouse IV: An heir to the Condé Nast publishing dynasty.
- Josiah Cheston Hornblower: An heir of the Vanderbilt family.
- Enno W. Ercklentz Jr: Son industrialist Enno W. Ercklentz.
- Cody Franchetti: Italian baron and heir to textile fortune.
- Christina Floyd: Daughter of golf champion Raymond Floyd.
- Stephanie Ercklentz: Daughter of socialite Mai Harrison.
- Georgina Bloomberg: Daughter of billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
There are some other important appearances as well. For example, the money manager for the Johnson & Johnson family office make an appearance as well.
Why is the "Born Rich" documentary so controversial?
Generally speaking, wealthy families are trying to keep a low profile because of the issues with inequality and the wealth gap. It's considered uncouth to talk about money. When the "Born Rich" documentary came out, it caused shockwaves across the billionaire community.