International Services Agency (ISA): Company Profile & Reviews
Company Profile
International Services Agency was a household staffing firm located in Beverly Hills, California. They are now permanently closed. The company was founded during Hollywood's Golden Age.
Alternative Agency: The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network (
Alternative Agency: The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network (
Former Contact Information
- Phone number: (310) 278-4470
- Hours of operation: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (M-F)
- Former Address: 232 S. Beverly Dr # 218, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Who worked at the International Services Agency?
Dora Renet founded the staffing agency, which was established during Hollywood's Golden Age. The screenshot above shows the agency was featured in a prestigious magazine several times.
Positions placed
Here are some of the positions the staffing agency placed:
Former Celebrity Clients of the Agency
According to the agency's website, they had dozens of high-profile clients:
When was the agency established?
- The website says the agency was founded in 1967.
- Public data online says their website was established in the year 2006.
- Most of the agency's activity online was between 2007 and 2019 (with the highest concentration in 2007 and 2008).
- In most of 2009 and all of 2010, there was no activity online.
- According to their landlord, the agency closed shop when COVID hit.
Agency reviews
The following critical review was posted on Yelp. This review explains how a domestic staffing agent treated a private service professional during an interview in 2010. One of our own employees who visited the agency back in 2007 received similar treatment.
Critical Review of International Services Agency
It's fair to say the agency neglected some of the private service professionals who interviewed for jobs. It's unfortunate. And, for the record, 15 people agreed with the above review and gave it a "like." You can read the review in its entirety on Yelp.
Where was the agency located?
Several online sources indicate the address was in Beverly Hills, CA.
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