ExcelCare: Company Profile & Reviews
Company Profile
ExcelCare was a nanny agency located in Tacoma, Washington. They are now permanently closed.
Former Contact Information
- Phone number: (253) 565-****
- Website: www.excelcare.net
- Hours of operation: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Who worked at ExcelCare?
According to LinkedIn, the agency did not have a business page.
Roles placed
ExcelCare placed the following roles in households:
- Nanny
- Governess
- Babysitter
- Childcare
- Assistant
History of www.ExcelCare.net
- The agency's website indicates the company was founded in 1993.
- An internet archive shows their website had some activity from 2010 to 2019 (most activity from 2016 to 2019).
Social media and reviews for ExcelCare
ExcelCare has the following profiles online:
ExcelCare on Yelp
The agency had an active Yelp page with two positive reviews (4.5 out of 5 stars).
ExcelCare on the BBB site
Although ExcelCare as not accredited with the Better Business Bureau, they had not complaints against them.
Agency location
Manta reports this business was located in Tacoma.
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